Address Class Usage

Library to work with RecordsKeeper addresses.

You can generate new addresses, check all addresses, check validity of an address, check mining permission of an address, check balance of an address and import address on the node by using Address class. You just have to pass required parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.


Import these python libraries first to get started with the functionality.

import requests
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import yaml
import sys
import binascii

Creating Connection

Entry point for accessing Address class resources.

  • URL: Url to connect to the chain ([RPC Host]:[RPC Port])
  • Chain-name: chain name
with open("config.yaml", 'r') as ymlfile:
    cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile)
network = cfg['network']  #network variable to store the network that you want to access
url = network['url']
chain = network['chain']

Node Authentication

Importing values from config file.

  • User name: The rpc user is used to call the APIs.
  • Password: The rpc password is used to authenticate the APIs.
user = network['rkuser']
password = network['passwd']

Now we have node authentication credentials.

Address Class

class Address

Address class is used to call address related functions like generate new addresses, list all the node addresses, check if the given address is valid or not, check if given address has mining permission or not, check balance of an address and import address on the node.

1. Generate new address on the node’s wallet

getAddress() function is used to generate a new wallet address.


newAddress = getAddress()          #getAddress() function call

print newAddress                  # prints a new address

It will return a new address of the wallet.

2. Generate a new multisignature address

You have to pass these two arguments to the getMultisigAddress function call:

  • nrequired: to pass the no of signatures that are must to sign a transaction
  • key: pass a single variable of comma-seperated public keys

getMultisigAddress() function is used to generate a new multisignature address.

getMultisigAddress(nrequired, key)

newAddress = getMultisigAddress(nrequired, key)          #getMultisigAddress() function call

print newAddress                           # prints a new address

It will return a new multisignature address on RecordsKeeper Blockchain.

3. Generate a new multisignature address on the node’s wallet

You have to pass these two arguments to the getMultisigWalletAddress function call:

  • nrequired: to pass the no of signatures that are must to sign a transaction
  • key: pass a single variable of comma-seperated public keys

getMultisigWalletAddress() function is used to generate a new wallet address.

getMultisigWalletAddress(nrequired, key)

newAddress = getMultisigWalletAddress(nrequired, key)    #getMultisigWalletAddress() function call

print newAddress                           #prints a new address

It will return a new multisignature address on the wallet.

4. List all addresses and no of addresses on the node’s wallet

retrieveAddresses() function is used to list all addresses and no of addresses on the node’s wallet.

result = retrieveAddresses()       #retrieveAddresses() function call

print result['address']             #prints all the addresses of the wallet
print result['address count']       #prints the address count

It will return all the addresses and the count of the addresses on the wallet.

5. Check validity of the address

You have to pass an address as the parameter to the checkifValid function call:

  • Address: to check the validity

checkifValid() function is used to check validity of a particular address.

addressCheck = checkifValid(address)  #checkifValid() function call

print addressCheck      # prints validity of the address

It will return if an address is valid or not.

6. Check if given address has mining permission or not

You have to pass an address as the parameter to the checkifMineAllowed function call:

  • Address: to check the permission status

checkifMineAllowed() function is used to sign raw transaction by passing transaction hex of the raw transaction and the private key to sign the raw transaction.

permissionCheck = checkifMineAllowed(address)   #checkifMineAllowed() function call

print permissionCheck      # prints permission status of the given address

It will return if mining permission is allowed or not.

7. Check address balance on a particular node

You have to pass an address as the parameter to the checkBalance function call:

  • Address: to check the balance

checkBalance() function is used to check the balance of the address.

address_balance = checkBalance(address)     #checkBalance() function call

print address_balance    # prints balance of the address

It will return the balance of the address on RecordsKeeper Blockchain.

8. Import a non-wallet address on RecordsKeeeper Blockchain

You have to pass an address as the parameter to the importAddress function call:

  • Address: non-wallet address to import on a particular node

importAddress() function is used to check the balance of the address.

response = importAddress(public_address)     #importAddress() function call

print response    # prints response whether address is successfully imported or not

It will return the response of the importAddress() function call.