Permissions Class Usage

Library to work with Permission class in RecordsKeeper Blockchain.

You can grant or revoke permissions like create, send, recieve, mine, admin, connect, issue and activate by using Permissions class. You just have to pass the required parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.


Import these python libraries first to get started with the functionality.

import requests
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import yaml
import sys
import binascii

Creating Connection

Entry point for accessing Address class resources.

  • URL: Url to connect to the chain ([RPC Host]:[RPC Port])
  • Chain-name: chain name
with open("config.yaml", 'r') as ymlfile:
    cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile)
network = cfg['network']  #network variable to store the network that you want to access
url = network['url']
chain = network['chain']

Node Authentication

Importing values from config file.

  • User name: The rpc user is used to call the APIs.
  • Password: The rpc password is used to authenticate the APIs.
user = network['rkuser']
password = network['passwd']

Now we have node authentication credentials.

Permissions Class

class Permissions

Permissions class is used to call permissions related functions like grant and revoke permissions of an address on the RecordsKeeeper Blockchain.

1. Grant Permissions to an address on the RecordsKeeper Blockchain

You have to pass these two arguments to the grantPermission function call:

  • Permissions: list of comma-seperated permissions passed as a string
  • Address: to which you have to grant permission

grantPermission() function is used to grant permissions like connect, send, receive, create, issue, mine, activate, admin to an address on RecordsKeeper Blockchain.

grantPermission(address, permissions)

result = grantPermission(address, permissions)  #grantPermission() function call

print txid  #prints response of the grant permision transaction

It will return the transaction id of the permission transaction.

2. Revoke Permissions to an address on the RecordsKeeper Blockchain

You have to pass these two arguments to the revokePermission function call:

  • Permissions: list of comma-seperated permissions passed as a string
  • Address: to which you have to grant permission

revokePermission() function is used to revoke permissions like connect, send, receive, create, issue, mine, activate, admin to an address on RecordsKeeper Blockchain.

revokePermission(address, permissions)
result = revokePermission(address, permissions)  #revokePermission() function call

print result  #prints response of the revoke permision transaction

It will return the transaction id of the permission transaction.